Continuing Education Prospectus

Teaching & Learning Schedule

The academic semester for 2025 will start from August 2025 and end in the 1st week of December 2025. Subsequent semesters will follow the academic calendar similar to that of the day-time students.

As per RUB requirements, and in order to ensure equivalence with regular students, CE candidates will have 60 contact hours (lecture and tutorials) per module per semester. There will be 3 modules/semester in the first year, and 4 modules/semester thereafter. This reduced workload in the first year is expected to help ease the CE students’ transition to the new daily routine, as well as help them cope with the rigours of college-level academic work. By the second year, once students are accustomed to the requirements and challenges, there will be 4 modules/semester.

In the first year of enrolment, only 6 modules will be offered, with 3 in each semester. The following table shows the schedule of classes in the first 2 semesters:

Per semesterMon-FriSatTotal hrs/weekTotal hrs/Semester
No. of teaching/ contact hours for 3 modules 6 - 8 PM (10 hrs per  week) 2 – 4 PM (2 hrs) 12 12 hrs x 16 weeks = 192 hrs/semester

Note: Saturdays will be open for CE candidates to meet their tutors and use the college resources.

Second year onwards

There will be 4 modules offered from the third semester onwards with the following teaching schedule:

Per semesterMon - FriSatTotal hrs/weekTotal hrs/Semester
No. of teaching/ contact hours for 4 modules 6 - 8 PM (10 hrs per week) 2 - 8 PM (6 hrs) 16 16 hrs x 16 weeks = 256 hrs/semester

Fee Structure

For the 2025-26 academic year, the tuition fee for the CE programme is set as follows: 

 Tuition Charges / Sem (Nu.)1st Yr2nd, 3rd & 4th Yr
  29,850 39,800
Students should expect annual tuition fee increases in the order of 3 - 6% p.a. while other fee changes will be subject to market conditions

The fees are the same for all programmes and are payable before the start of each semester. The above fees are inclusive of all charges such as establishment and capitation fees, registration fees, affiliation fees, normal exam fees, IT / laboratory / library fees, student activities and development fees, etc. However, they do not include personal costs such as books, stationery, supplies, laundry, printing, fees for supplementary exams and repeats, etc.

The candidates can directly apply online. A one-time refundable security deposit of Nu. 5,000 will be charged and refunded to students upon their departure from the college if there are no outstanding payments.

Frequently Asked Questions

The fees are the same for all programmes and are payable before the start of each semester. The above fees are inclusive of all charges such as establishment and capitation fees, registration fees, affiliation fees, normal exam fees, IT / laboratory / library fees, student activities and development fees, etc. However, they do not include personal costs such as books, stationery, supplies, laundry, printing, fees for supplementary exams and repeats, etc.

The candidates can directly apply online. A one-time refundable security deposit of Nu. 5,000 will be charged and refunded to students upon their departure from the college if there are no outstanding payments.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. What programmes will be offered?

 Business: Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA) and Bachelor of Commerce (BCom). 

2. What are the admissions criteria?

RTC will only accept candidates who have passed class XII  and who meet the Business Programmes criteria.  Candidates must have 3 years of work experience.

3. Will the admission offers be based on merit, or on a first-come-first-serve basis?

Admissions will be on a rolling basis starting from January 2025. APPLY ONLINE NOW.

4. If the necessity arises, can CE students avail long term leave while studying at RTC?

Yes, CE students can take long-term leave (i.e. skip a semester or a year) provided they have genuine reasons like ill-health, family emergency/crisis, etc. However, the maximum period for completion of the CE program is 6 years, and a CE student must complete his/her programme within this period.

5. Will the degree awarded for the CE programme be considered equal to the regular full-time programme?

Yes, the degree for the CE programme is equivalent to the regular degree. Both the regular and CE degrees will be awarded by the Royal University of Bhutan (RUB) and there will be no difference in their status and recognition.