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1. Register or update your details

2. Become a speaker

Listening to former students talk about their job experiences and success will motivate students to develop the skills they would need to succeed in their own careers. Some events include alumni forums, panel discussions, mentoring programs, career workshops, and graduations. Register your interest with us at to speak at events and share your story to inspire the current students.

3. Help someone start a career with job or internship opportunities

Advertising any vacant positions or providing internship opportunities to the final year students will give a boost to the current cohorts while also allowing you to tap into a new talent for your organization/company. Email us at to advertise vacant positions.

4. Volunteering

As an alumni volunteer, you would be ambassadors of RTC who provide valuable contributions in terms of time, expertise, or financial support in ways that would positively impact the college and the community. Some of the ways you can do this are:

  •  Recommending the college to prospective students and help with recruitment.
  • Mentorship programs  
  •  Providing feedback on academic programs and other services
  •  Promoting the college as and when required

Email us at to register your services as a volunteer in your area of interest.

5. Be a part of the Organising Committee and  Alumni Governing Body

Join the Alumni Committee to take an active part in organizing activities of interest to the Alumni and provide guidance to the Alumni Relations Office on ways of improving alumni engagement.

The Alumni Governing body would act as a sounding board for ideas and strategies related to alumni engagement and the sustainability of the Alumni Association. It would be instrumental in raising awareness on the work of different alumni groups in acting as ambassadors for the college in the country and outside. The members of the governing body would be based upon nominated and selected by a panel.

Email us at to register your interest in joining the organizing committee or being nominated as a member of the Governing Body.

6. Giving back to RTC 

Alumni can make a meaningful difference in somebody else’s lives as well as their own by helping a student in need. You can potentially change a student’s future by giving them an opportunity to get a college education. Contribute to a scholarship.

Contact us at to make a donation or for more information.

7. Fundraising 

  •  Help solicit aid or assistance from fellow alumni and other potential donors
  • Encourage alumni, and through them, other potential donors to help change a needy student’s life by contributing towards a scholarship
  •  Fundraising for college activities or any projects aimed to support the student community

Get in touch with us at to help you organize fundraising activities or appeals to potential donors.