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Bhutan's First and Only A+ Accredited Institution      Inspiring Education in Bhutan

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Attention Parents/Guardians: 

The academic performance and attendence record of your child is now available online for you to view at http://results.rtc.bt. Login with the enrollment number and date of birth. If you don't know the enrollment number, please call the Student Services Officer at 02 351801 ext#119.

Click on the link below to view the Student Hand Book:

Regular Student Hand Book

CE Student Hand Book


Message from The President                                                                                                                                                                     

January, 2023.

2020 Spring President Message To Parents

Parents’ Frequently-Asked Questions

Updated Spring 2023


1. How can a student graduate on time with a degree?

Students must pass every class (“module”), every semester. There are five modules per semester and six or eight semesters (three or four years). In the first semester, students have to pass the additional “Orientation to College Learning” module. Also, every student must meet the minimum attendance requirement every semester to be eligible to sit for the semester-end examination.

2.     How can a student progress to the next semester?

There are five modules every semester. Students have to pass at least three out of the five modules to be able to continue to the next semester, or they are out of college (if they fail three or more modules). If they pass at least three modules they can continue, but they will have “back-papers”, which are failed modules that have to be cleared somehow, or the degree will not be awarded.

3.     What happens if a student fails a whole semester?

If students fail three or more modules out of the five in a semester, they fail the course. If they fail all five modules, they may not be allowed back. Any such students can seek readmission next year by informing the admissions office under the Student Services Department. The deadline for students to declare their intent to re-enroll (or recover the security deposit if they don’t want to re-enroll) is three months from the date of results declaration (or the deposit is considered surrendered). The exact date of the deadline will be published on the results.rtc.bt website. All the cases of readmission will need final approval of the admissions committee and students do not have to right to be considered for readmission just by the virtue of being a former RTC student. If allowed, students can repeat the semester they failed and continue with the junior cohort of students. Students may only fail and repeat once, and the entire degree course must be completed within a maximum of five years from the date of first enrollment (in case of a 3-year programme) & six years from the date of first enrollment (in case of a 4-year programme).

4.     What does it take to pass a module?

The overall pass mark is 50%. Plus, every module typically has two components, continuous assessment throughout the semester (CA) and a semester-end final exam (SE). For each component separately, the student must have at least 40%. That way, a student who is stronger in one component than the other can still have a chance to make it to 50% overall. But, if a student gets between 40-50% in both the CA and SE, the module is still failed since it won’t come to more than 50% overall. Students should therefore be really careful not to fail the CA and should study early and continuously throughout the semester, not right at the end, because if they fail the CA, even if they do very well on the SE, they will still fail the module and have a back-paper. On every assessment, students should be sure they are remaining above 50%, otherwise, they are at risk of failing the module – all module repeats or re-examinations will incur significant fees (see below).

5.     How can a student clear a back-paper?

Students have several opportunities to clear their back-papers – they must take every chance and be sure to clear the back-paper as soon as possible. Upon first failing a class at the end of a semester, a student must register for the “Reassessment” right away and pay the required fee. This is a chance to retake the final exam after the semester break is over. If a student failed a class at the end of the autumn semester, he/she can take a reassessment at the end of the winter vacation (beginning of the coming spring semester) for the failed module. If a student failed a class at the end of the spring semester, he/she can take a reassessment at the end of the summer vacation (beginning of the coming autumn semester) for the failed module. This is the best way to clear a back-paper because students can study during vacation time and the module subject is still fresh in their minds. Parents should ensure that their kid/s are regularly studying during the vacation so they can clear the exam. Students are provided with a reassessment opportunity only ONCE for each module and hence students are always encouraged not to miss this. If the student fails again after the reassessment or refuses the reassessment opportunity, the next opportunity for students to clear the back-paper is through module repeat. Module repeat is offered during the semester when the module is on offer for regular students and Academic Affairs Office will communicate to the relevant students when the module repeat is on offer. Students will be assigned module tutors and scheduled classes for all the module repeat classes and students will be also charged separate fees for such module repeat classes.

6.     What if a student has a back-paper in Continuous Assessment (CA)?

Students must independently clear both the CA and Semester-End Exam in order to clear a module. If a student fails either of these two components, the next immediate opportunity for students to clear this is through the reassessment opportunity (refer #5 above for details). However, if a student fails in both the component of CA & SE, such students will NOT have a reassessment opportunity and will have to repeat the module when it is next offered. A CA Reassessment is conducted by making students do CA components like assignments, presentations, projects, class tests, etc – the exact form of CA Reassessment will be decided by the module tutor & informed by the AAD office. Students who sit for module repeat will have to repeat BOTH the CA & SE component, irrespective of their initial results and performances in the CA & SE component. (this is relevant ONLY for programmes under RUB).

7.     What is the maximum number of back-papers a student can have?

A student can have only 2 back-papers per semester. If a student builds up too many uncleared back-papers, he/she might never graduate with a degree. Accumulation of back-paper leads to students not graduating on time and if a student fails to graduate within a time span of 5 years (for a 3-year undergraduate degree programme) or 6 years (for a 4-year undergraduate degree programme), the student will not be allowed to graduate from the programme. 

9.     Is there any academic support for students outside of classes during the semester?

Yes. Every first-year student and every student with a back-paper has an academic advisor from within the RTC faculty that they can and should meet with regularly about their academic issues. Students are also always encouraged to seek extra help during scheduled weekly office/ consultation hours that every module teacher holds regularly. Faculty have their offices in the Faculty Block on campus, and students can make appointments to meet them there. The Library is also professionally staffed with librarians who can help students find the resources they need to study and prepare better. There is also a “Learning Resource Center” on campus that students can refer to for extra help with basic skills development. Guided Study Hall of 2 hours is assigned each week for students to get the opportunity to learn and interact with tutors on topics / issues outside of the prescribed curriculum.


10.  What is the attendance requirement?

Students must produce at least 90% attendance for each module to be eligible to sit for the semester-end examination of each module. The requirement is calculated separately for each module. Monthly attendance updates are given for the benefit of students and parents. If a student’s attendance does not total 90% in each module by the end of the semester, s/he will not be allowed to sit for final exams for that module. Students should attend all classes every school day (Monday through Friday for regular students & Monday through Saturday for Continuing Education students). Students can be absent for up to 10% of each module to be eligible to sit for the final exams of that module. Being late to any class is considered absent – this is implemented as per RTC's late class policy.

11.  Is there extra attendance consideration given for medical reasons?

Students can be absent for up to 20% of the grand total class periods to be eligible to apply for leave. This 20% can cover most occasional illnesses and accidents. A student can comfortably take a few days off for recovering from a cough/cold/fever or any situation requiring bed rest. It is necessary to show to the college any documentation of such medical conditions, like “OPD” slips or prescriptions or Doctor’s notes for a few days of “bed rest”. None of these documents are acceptable to apply for medical consideration below the 80% overall minimum requirement. If there is some long-term medical leave necessary (for hospitalization or travel leave for treatment outside Thimphu), documentary evidence should be submitted as soon as the student returns to the College and extra consideration can be given (see below).

12.  What about emergency situations where the student has to be away for a longer period of time and the overall attendance might drop below 80%?

There are two situations where it is possible for students to take extra time off and still qualify to sit for exams at the end of the semester. First, consideration can be given to students that are hospitalized or students that have to travel out of Thimphu for medical treatment. To avail this leave, students have to submit the medical documents to the Dean’s office upon their return to college. Second, consideration can be given to family emergency situations such as a death in the family. To get excused leave for family emergencies, college-wide events, or events outside college students should get permission from the Registrar’s office before missing classes. Even with these kinds of leave, attendance should not go below 80% overall, or the student will not be allowed to continue in College.

Student Life

13. When do students need to carry their college ID cards?

Students must carry their ID cards at all times on campus and produce them when requested by any staff/ faculty/ security personnel of the college. Students will not be allowed to enter the campus after 6.30 PM without a college ID. Student ID cards are mandatory during examinations and without the ID they will not be allowed to sit for exams. Students who have lost their ID cards must immediately replace them through the Student Services Department. Only the Student Services Department can replace lost college ID cards. Any attempt to print or forge unauthorized replacement cards is a criminal act and will be dealt with severely.

14. Who do I contact for housing/roommate concerns?

You can contact the Student Services Department during office hours at 02-351801 (ext: 119) or 17982500 OR the Mentors.

15. What is the college dining hall meal timing?

Timing of individual meals are:




7:00 AM – 9:30 AM


12:00 PM – 2:00 PM


7:00 PM - 9:00 PM

16. Are day scholars allowed to eat in the college dining hall?

Yes, they can eat in the college dining hall but they will have to purchase their own meals.

17. Can students cook in their residence halls?

No, students are not allowed to cook in their residence halls. However, they are allowed to keep a single water boiler in each room.

18. When are the quiet hours?     

Quiet hours are usually observed from 9.00 PM - 7.00 AM on weekdays and Sundays. On Saturdays, the quiet hours are from 11.00 PM to 7.00 AM. All residents should be in their rooms by 11:00 PM.

19. Can boarding students stay off campus overnight or return later than 9 pm?

Resident students who have a genuine reason to be out later (past 9 pm) or want to stay off-campus overnight need an Exit Information Slip (EIS). The resident mentors have to be contacted in advance to complete the EIS form. The mentors may contact the parents to discuss with them about their students’ anticipated late return to college. Resident students returning after 9 PM without EIS have to surrender their college ID card at the security gate and mentors will be informed. Students will be sanctioned if they repeatedly fail to show EIS at the gate. The latest time students can stay out with the EIS is 11 PM. No student will be allowed after 11 PM even if he/she has an EIS form.

20. Are family members/ friends of the opposite gender allowed in the respective residence halls?

No, family members and friends of the opposite gender are NOT allowed in the respective residence halls.

21. Can resident students keep their vehicles on campus overnight?

 No, resident students are not allowed to bring their vehicles on campus.

22. Are day students allowed to stay overnight in the residence halls with their boarder friends?

No. If any day student is found staying overnight anywhere on campus, serious action will be taken against both the resident and the day student. The resident student may lose his/her residence seat.

23. How long can day students stay on campus?

Day scholars are permitted on campus till 9.00 PM. However, they can also stay when there is an official activity that runs beyond the stipulated time.

24. Are students provided with a heating system in the residence halls?

The students may bring in their own heaters (these must be thermostat controlled) during the winter season. However, only one heater is allowed in each room.

25. Are students allowed to bring their own TV?

No, but the college provides a TV in the common room of each residence hall.

26. Do you have public transportation to travel and from to the college?

Yes, we have city bus services between RTC and Thimphu (timings may be found here: http://www.rtc.bt/index.php/other-information/transportation-schedule).

27. How secure is the college campus?

RTC is deeply committed to providing all members with a safe and secure environment. We have security staff that is the first point of contact in any possibly threatening situation. They can be contacted at 17954072. However, the security of personal belongings is the responsibility of the students themselves. RTC will not take responsibility for lost, stolen, or damaged personal belongings.

28. Where do I seek help if my child is experiencing personal issues and needs counseling?

Ms. Tenzing Choden and Ms. Junias Rasaily, College Counsellors offer students with individualized confidential counseling services regarding personal issues. They can be contacted at 77775557 or 77389559 during office hours.

29. Is basic medical help provided on campus?

Yes, emergency and first aid medical help are provided on campus. The health assistant is available at regularly scheduled times and on an emergency basis. You can contact the health assistant at 17581088 during emergencies.

30. Are there any banking services on campus?

Yes, We have ATM facilities located in Academic Block B just above the amphitheatre.

31. Are smoking or possession/use of alcohol or drugs allowed on the campus?

No. Possession or consumption of alcohol, drugs, or smoking anywhere on campus, including residence halls, is strictly prohibited. Sanctions that may be imposed on students include expulsion from the school, immediate expulsion from the residence halls, and loss of eligibility for residence hall accommodation in the future.


32. How much are the fees?

Fee details may be found here: https://www.rtc.bt/index.php/admissions/fee-structure/structure

33. Do you accept fees at Chang Lam Office?

No, all fees & payments need to pay via an online payment gateway: https://pay.rtc.bt/

34. When are the fees due?

Fees (Tuition, Food & Room) are payable on a semester basis and are due at the beginning of the semester. They need to be paid within 5 days of the first week of a semester. Penalty for delayed payment after the last date will be levied (Refer http://www.rtc.bt/index.php/admissions/fee-structure/structure/83-rtc/144-penalties-for-default).

35. Are fees paid refundable?

All fees paid by returning students are non-refundable (meaning fees paid for semester II onwards are non-refundable). For the first semester, the remaining fees paid (after deduction of the non-refundable enrollment deposit) are refundable as detailed in our Refund Policy (Refer https://www.rtc.bt/index.php/admissions/fee-structure/refund-and-withdrawal).

36. What are the options to make the fee payment (or payment modes)?

All fees should be deposited through the secure online payment gateway - https://pay.rtc.bt/ which will generate your payment receipt instantly and have it emailed to you. Please be reminded that College does not accept cash/cheque payments.

All details on how to make the payment are available at the same link https://pay.rtc.bt/