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Bhutan's First and Only A+ Accredited Institution      Inspiring Education in Bhutan

On 10th October 2012, the RTC community welcomed Francoise Pommaret to its campus to deliver a talk on a very fascinating topic, "A journey of Bhutan through a life lens". Ms. Pommaret's talk focused on her experiences in Bhutan since 1979, which she shared with the students and staff of the college.

She discussed with the curious audience the changes that have taken place in Bhutan over several decades, stating "The development that took place in the past 20 years is very admirable as it is what Europe did in the past 100 years". She also spoke about the minimal communication system available when she first came here and how the difficulties in transportation impeded the development of the strong and supportive community that we presently have. She pointed out amazing changes that have occurred with rapid growth in the initially tiny business community, the expansion of the health and education systems, the development of urban centers, and progress in the national language, awareness of culture, etc.

Although of French nationality, Francoise Pommaret grew up in the Congo. She received her MA in the history of art and archeology from the Sorbonne in Paris and completed her studies in the Tibetan language at the National Institute of Oriental Languages and Civilizations, INALCO also in Paris.. Her work mainly focuses on Bhutan; she conducts lectures around the world on aspects of Bhutanese history and culture. She also currently serves as advisor to the Institute of Language and Culture Studies (ILCS), Royal University of Bhutan.

It was indeed a wonderful opportunity for the RTC community to listen to Ms. Francoise Pommaret and to learn about an era in Bhutan which most of the students & staff have not experienced.