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Bhutan's First and Only A+ Accredited Institution      Inspiring Education in Bhutan


The Royal Thimphu College celebrated its 5th Annual Sports Day on Saturday, 18th May 2013. This celebration was dedicated to the graduating class of 2013 who will graduate this July.

Mr. Tshewang Tandin, Director General, Department of Adult and Higher Education graced the event as the Honorable Chief Guest.  The half-day event was declared open with the lighting of the Olympic Torch by Mr. Tshewang Tandin.

The RTC ground wore a festive look with colorful banners and flags. Student volunteers, faculty and staff put in their best efforts to provide an ideal platform for the students to showcase their sporting talents. The Student Government organized the event consisting of track and field events and tug of wars between the different programs. The sports day also included events especially for the final year students. Among the 6 program-based combined teams, BCA, Eco – Evs and Soc-Pol. Sc was declared the overall winner. In addition to the active involvement of the students, International exchange students from Wheaton College and Texas A&M along with RTC staff demonstrated immense enthusiasm and took part in events like 1,500 meters race, 3 legged race, threading the needle and musical chairs. The lively participation from the staff and the guests provided amusement and enhanced interest in the event.

Attractive prizes were awarded to all frontrunners of the sports events, student volunteers and officials from the Bhutan Amateur Athletics Federation who also extended their full support and used their expertise to help make the Sports Day a great success.  The “Best Female Athlete” was awarded to Ms. Tashi Euden Wangchuk (BA English & Environmental Studies) 1st year and Ms. Karma Dema (Bachelor of Computer Applications) 2nd year. Mr. Kuenga Gyeltshen (BA Sociology & Political Science) First Year was declared the “Best Male Athlete”.

RTC will be organizing a series of such events to mark and celebrate the graduation of its second cohort.