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Bhutan's First and Only A+ Accredited Institution      Inspiring Education in Bhutan


22nd May 2013 – Under RTC’s semester theme of Living Free - Without Tobacco & Drugs, the Advocacy & Outreach Committee in collaboration with the Bhutan Narcotics Control Agency (BNCA) organized WINDS OF CHANGE – VOICES & FACES OF RECOVERY, a forum of drug addiction & recovery.

The forum comprisedof two recovering addicts, Mr. Tshewang Tenzin, a member of Chithuen Phendhey Association & Ms. Dechen Wangmo, Peer Counselor, Rehabilitation Center, who shared their experiences and their transformation from addiction towards recovery. Their stories were truly inspirational. At the end of their talks, they thanked RTC and the audience for being a part of their recovering process. The forum also witnessed Dr. Nirola, Psychiatrist, JDWNRH who spoke from a health perspective and shared about prevention, as well as, the treatment process for addictions. Lama Shenphen, on the other hand, spoke on drug addiction from a spiritual perspective. The last speaker of the forum, Mr. Sonam Jamtsho, Deputy Chief Counselor, BNCA spoke on the mandates of BNCA as well as shared facts and figures on drug addiction in Bhutan. The inspirational forum ended with an interactive Q&A session.

This forum was consistent with RTC’s emphasis on respect for self and others as both tobacco and drug use not only seriously undermines a person’s health but also create problems for the broader community. It also is consistent with the college’s emphasis on responsible citizenship, as it encourages behavior aligned with laws (especially the Tobacco Control Act) intended to promote the health and welfare of all Bhutanese citizens.

RTC hopes to continue organizing such informative and educational forums and events in the near future, which will not only benefit students but also the public in general.

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