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Bhutan's First and Only A+ Accredited Institution      Inspiring Education in Bhutan

 Graduation Picture

RTC proudly presented its 2nd batch of 259 graduates to the country on Thursday, 4th July, with the blessings from the Venerable Tshulag Lopen. The Chief Advisor to the Interim Government, His Excellency, Lyonpo Sonam Tobgay  was the Chief Guest and Her Royal Highness, Ashi Kesang Wangmo Wangchuck graced the ceremony as the Guest of Honor.

Along with completion certificates for the graduates, His Excellency also awarded the medal of excellence to the following students:

  1.   Milan Subba (Academic  Excellence Award – BBA)
  2.   Yeshi Wangmo (Academic  Excellence Award – B.Com)
  3.   Yeshi Peldon (Academic  Excellence Award – BCA)
  4.   Choki Lhamo (Academic  Excellence Award – BA)
  5.   Thinley Wangdi (Leadership Award) 

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In his address to the students, His Excellency empathized with graduates with respect to the difficulty they will face trying to find their footing in their careers ahead but he also spoke of hope by saying  “for most of the people, the time spent in the college is an unforgettable and special chapter of their lives as the experiences in the institution would have taught them to fight courageously and to learn voraciously”.

RTC would like to wish all the graduates  the very best of luck as each of you fight courageously and learn voraciously in all your future endeavors.