RTC Exam code of Conduct
Students Instructions:
- Students should carryID cards for all the examinations, and display it on their table for the duration of the exam.
- Students should report in the Examinationat least 5 minutes before the examination begins.
- Students are advised not to bringCell phones in the examination hall. However, if they choose to bring, all cell phones should be switched off and kept on the invigilator’s table for the duration of the exam. Students are NOT allowed to use their Cell phones as a calculator or as a watch under any circumstance.
- Students should bring their own stationeries required for theSharing of ANY stationery (pencils, correction fluid, calculator, eraser, ruler etc) will not be permitted.
- Students should place all their personal belongings (eg books, bags, etc) and other items not classified as permissible aid, in areas specifically indicated by the invigilators.
- Students foundrecourse to any unfair means in the examination hall shall render themselves liable to cancellation of their examination. Unfair means include, but is not limited to, copying from materials or friends.
- Students should also writeenrollment numbers on the question papers, when they fill their particulars on the answer booklet. Students should specify their semester and section (if applicable) on their answer booklet.
- Students should not write anything on the desk; if required, they can ask forcontinuation sheet. All such rough work should be accordingly marked as “rough work” and attached to the answer booklet.
- Studentsnot permitted to take away pages of answer book from the examination hall
- Studentsnot permitted to leave the examination hall for at least half an hour after the exam commences.
- Students leaving the examination hall should leave the roomwithout disturbing other students.