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Bhutan's First and Only A+ Accredited Institution      Inspiring Education in Bhutan

RTC Happenings

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CSO (Civil Society Organization) is often described as the fundamental pillar of democracy and is recognized as a space outside of government and business where citizens associate and organize themselves to address and take care of the areas of societal interests. The 3rd Year Sociology Political Science students of RTC joined with other stakeholder organizations to take part in a day’s event hosted by BCMD (Bhutan Center for Media and Democracy) in Thimphu at the Terma Linca Spa and Resorts.  Seen here are the students with their Faculty and the Executive Director of BCMD. The event was highly educational where the students also presented posters towards the inquiries and theme, “As a non-CSO member, what do you know of civil society? How has civil society contributed to Bhutan’s progress?” The discussions were very relevant to a Political Science module, PS302 Media and NGO. Besides, sharing a common platform and engaging in the general discussions with other participants in itself was a great learning experience for our young students. The Royal Thimphu College also partners with BCMD with its student lead ‘Media Club’ activities, besides these kinds of regular events. 


Congratulations to the third batch of graduating students!

The Royal Thimphu College proudly celebrated its 3rd batch of graduates on 3 July, 2014. The celebration this year saw 307 students graduating from RTC. The Honorable Lyonpo Damcho Dorji, the chairman of the University Council and the Minister of Home and Cultural Affairs graced the occasion as the chief guest along with many other distinguished guests. Along with completion certificates for the graduates, His Excellency also awarded medals of excellence to the following students for having the highest grades in their program:rtcgrad2

  1. Mr. Bikash Rai (Academic Excellence Award – B.Com)
  2. Mr. Kinley Namgay (Academic Excellence Award – B.A Eng & Evs)
  3. Mr. Krishna Prasad Nepal (Academic Excellence Award – BBA)
  4. Ms. Karma Wangmo (Academic Excellence Award – BCA)

The RTC Outstanding Leadership Award was given to Mr. Sonam Tashi (B.A Eng & Dzo).

RTC shares its students’ excitement as they prepare for their new endeavors. The college would like to wish all the graduates the very best of luck in the future.


The SG elections for the 3 Executive positions - President, Secretary and Treasurer was successfully held on 28 May, 2014. 11 candidates contested for the 3 executive positions under Student Government.studentexec14

The following candidates secured the highest vote and were selected as the SG representatives for the academic year 2014 -2015.  

President: Tshering Tashi, B Com, 2nd Year

Secretary: Tshewang Tashi, BA Eng & EVS, 2nd Year

Treasurer: Dawa Tshering, B Com, 2nd Year

A total of 671 voters turned up out of which 320 were male and 351were female. RTC would like to congratulate all of them for being elected and hope that they would work to the best of their abilities. We wish them much success. 

RTC would also like to thank the Election Commission of Bhutan for their continued support.