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Bhutan's First and Only A+ Accredited Institution      Inspiring Education in Bhutan

RTC Happenings

dasho karma phuntsho

"What is Democracy? Democracy is not just about voting. Democracy is about knowing who will make a better leader, a better government and it’s about exercising your rights as a responsible citizen' said Dr. Karma Phuntsho during the one of the Guest Series held on October 23, 2013.

Dr. Karma’s Phuntsho also talked about his perspectives on the religious personalities not having given the right to vote. He emphasized on the country’s history and how the country was founded by religious leaders like Zhabdrung in the past. Being a Buddhist country, monks and religious persons are consulted every time someone starts a business or to ward off evil spirits or when making a decision but these religious people are excluded when the country is making its biggest decision.  He said that this could be a perhaps the most controversial clause in the country’s electoral law.

Overall, it was an interesting and interactive talk and we hope to continue hosting talks like these in the future.


RTC held its Annual Prize Award Day on August 28, 2013, where more than 100 outstanding students were awarded with certificates and prizes. Certificates and prizes were awarded to the first and second position holders in each program for the academic year of 2012- 2013.  Certificates along with partial tuition wavier or cash prize were also awarded to students who were on the Director’s list and two students who made significant contributions to the student life at RTC.

We would like to congratulate all the students who were awarded with certificate and prizes.

To see the list please connect to the link below:

Director's list

Dean's List

Position Holders


SG Elections 1

The election for the 1st year SG representatives was held on August 21, 2013. Three candidates stood for elections and the student who secured the highest number of votes was Tshering Peldon, followed by Mahasur Thapa and Jigme Tenzin.

RTC would like to congratulate Tshering Peldon and Mashur Thapa for being elected as the 1st representatives of the Student Government.